Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Kite Crasher

Greg's new obsession: kite flying

By no means are we ready to dip our string in bits of glass, have kite fights in the air, and have Nolan run down the broken kite, like in "The Kite Runner" but we are having fun practicing:)

A few days ago Spring made its presence in Bryan by the Sun shining, and the wind blowing. The kite buying began by going to quite a few stores looking for them. We finally found some at the 99 cent store for 99 cents! Nolan was excited about the idea of having kites flying in the air, but I think Greg was even more excited. We all went outside and they both had a ball trying to get the things in the air. Nolan's kite was a Buzz Lightyear and he was impressed that he was actually flying! Greg is a pro at this whole kite flying business. His kite is 20 feet in the air, looking all pretty and professional. Alas, I am horrible at this.

Greg thinks it is very un-American of me to have not grown up flying kites, but that was not a hobby my family did. We also did not go camping and I refuse to eat apple pie. I know...just deport me for the whole apple pie thing, but I can't even stand to look at it. I DO like baseball and BBQ, so hopefully that makes up for my lack of patriotism in other areas.

Back to kite flying...

Greg came home today with a brand-new, fancy dragon kite. He assigned me the job of practicing for our kite-flying adventure later. I couldn't get the kite 4 feet off the ground. It hovered sadly above the road and refused to go any higher. Greg saw how pitiful this was and I was re-assigned to de-tangle the kites from yesterday. While he was flying the dragon kite, he became quite popular with the kids down the street. They parked their bikes by our house and watched Greg do his mastery.

While Greg finished up his fun, I came inside to feed Mallory. He came in later to tell me that the kids wanted the kites. They didn't understand why we needed 5 kites and there were only 4 people in our family, one of them being a baby. "Wow, that kite looks really nice, I wish I had a kite to fly like that." These words from the small girl down the street did not sway Greg. We might have to start locking them up in the garage for fear of small children sneaking by our house to "borrow" kites. I wish I could have been outside for that little scenario, but hearing it first-hand from Greg was still pretty funny.

So, yes, I am a little ashamed that I can't do this simple thing that even Nolan can do, but practice makes perfect (or hopefully a little bit better). Our mission this afternoon is to go to a large field where cars and trees will not get in my way and we can all practice. I am determined to have my kite super high in the air and for Nolan and Greg to be impressed. Cross your fingers for me!

PS. Thank you Spring for all the windy days, keep them coming!

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