Tuesday, March 27, 2012
The Big Cookie Project: Week 48
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
The Big Cookie Project: Week 47
Saturday, March 17, 2012
"I Speak for the Trees" Party
Back to Mallory's birthday...
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Milestones Galore in the Jones' House
This is my first time to download a video, so let's see if it works...it's just a sillly video I took of the kids this morning. They like helping to dust when they get to wear socks on their hands. Hey, whatever works, right?
I don't know about other moms, but I always think, "I can't wait until they can do (fill in the blank) by themselves." I have filled in the blank with, "I can't wait until they can walk by themselves" or "I can't wait until they can go to the bathroom by themselves." But it seems like these milestones are coming fast and frequently. Pardon for the sappiness, but I want them to slow down!
Nolan has begged to not have an afternoon nap anymore. I agreed, but it had to be filled with chores/quiet playing or learning activities...no watching TV for hours. Yesterday, I was laid up on the couch with the flu and Nolan played quietly all by himself, would come in every few minutes and feel my head proclaiming, "Yup, you're still hot!" We're on Day #3 of "Operation: No Nap". He then hit me with another hard question. He wanted to play outside by himself. I don't know what I think will happen outside, but I always worry. It may be I don't have a good point of view to see what is going on outside. I pulled up my big girl britches and told him he could play outside for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, I heard him shouting. I ran to see what had happened. He was shouting for joy, playing all by himself. Geez, I am paranoid!! I gave him another 10 minutes because he was doing so well. After his time was up he greeted me with a bunch of flowers he had picked for me. I don't know what I did to deserve these kids, but I feel super blessed to be their mom.
Now on to Mallory. She is turning 2 on Saturday. No, I did not type that wrong, TWO! I know it's cliche to say it, but I will anyways, "I feel like I just brought her home yesterday." In the blink of an eye she has grown so much. I love how she sweeps her hair out of her face in exasperation, and in the process smears food everywhere. I love how she does her little dances and jumps everywhere, that girl will be athletic someday! So, her big milestone was big-girl panties. She's been doing a great job at school with me taking her to the restroom. We started out slow with only 3 pairs...those things are a little pricey. After her third accident on day #2, we're waiting for laundry to be done so we can start again. I ALMOST put her in some of Nolan's Thomas underwear, but decided to hold off.
I feel like if I blink too much the next thing I know they will be in high school. Nolan will be starting kindergarten next year, and I keep thinking, "I'm too young to be the parent of a kindergartner! My son is too young to be a kindergartner!" But neither of those are true...especially the one about my age :) It happened day by day, week by week. Five years later my babies have grown up. Now instead of thinking, "I can't wait for you to do something by yourself" I'm thinking that they need to slow down so my heart and emotions can catch up.
Very sappy post today, but every word is true!
Monday, March 12, 2012
The Big Cookie Project: Week 46
1/2 cup butter or margarine
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
2 ripe bananas, mashed
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
3/4 cup chocolate chips
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1. Cream butter; gradually add sugar, add eggs one at a time beating after each one. Stir in bananas.
2. Combine flour, baking soda and salt in a separate bowl
3. Add flour mixture to cream mixture
4. Stir in chocolate chips and walnuts
5. Bake at 350 degrees F for 45 minutes
WORD OF WARNING!! If you can tell from the picture the sides are fairly brown, but the center is ooey-gooey. I love the ooey-gooey part, if you must know I eat raw cookie dough as well. Greg HATES this part. He's a "Cook Thoroughly, no gooey parts!" kind of guy. I guess we compliment each other in that area, he eats the edges, I eat the center. And then there was peace in the Jones' household!
Happy Baking!
Monday, March 5, 2012
The Big Cookie Project: Week 45
1 cup peanut butter
3/4 cup powdered sugar
bag of pretzels
1 bag semi-sweet chocolate chips
1. Combine peanut butter and powdered sugar. You might have to increase/decrease amount of powdered sugar. You want the peanut butter to be able to roll in to balls without leaving a sticky mess on your hands.
2. Roll peanut butter mixture in to small balls, sandwich in between two pretzels and press lightly.
3. Melt chocolate chips in a microwave-safe bowl. Dip half of the peanut butter sandwiches in to the chocolate, and place on wax paper to cool and harden.
Mallory was my little helper. She's got the crazed "I'm eating CHOCOLATE!!!!" look in her eyes. I think she got the look from me.
Happy Baking!