Before I start on the cookie, let me just say I've been stressing out to get this typed and posted. As of early last week we have not had internet or cable due to our precious new puppy (sarcasm) chewing up our cord on the outside of our house. We finally got it fixed as of yesterday (yay!) but then walked out side this morning to find that she had just started chewing on the brand-new cord....gggrrr. As of the moment, it is working, so forgive me for any misspellings as I try to post this before our internet and cable shut down again. Anyone looking for a puppy who has a love for cords??....just kidding!!
Now to the cookie: I received a brand-spankin' new cookie book for my birthday (thank you Melissa!) and was looking for one out of there. As I was about to make a triple chocolate cookie, Greg stopped me and picked a new one for me...Fortune Cookies! I was doubtful, because I have a very strong love for fortune cookies from chinese restaurants and didn't know if these cookies would stand up the perfection of what I think fortune cookies already are.
I looked at the recipe and the first ingredient was butter. Don't they know we are in a recession?? I had to use margarine because it was in my fridge, even though beside the first ingredient where it said BUTTER it also said: DO NOT USE MARGARINE. Eh, I'll try it anyways.
Fortune Cookies:
2 tablespoons butter (do not use margarine)
1/4 cup confectioner's sugar
1 large egg white
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
pinch salt
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1. Melt the butter in a saucepan. After completely melted, remove saucepan from heat, add confectioner's sugar, egg white, salt vanill extract and flour. Whisk ingredients until there are not more lumps.
2. Heat oven to 375 degrees. Put a heaping teaspoon of dough on to the cookie sheet and using a small metal spatula or back of a spoon, spread the dough to make a circle with a diameter of 3 inches. Put next dollop of dough 4 inches away from first cookie and continue to spread the dough to make thin circles.
3. Bake cookies until brown around the edges, or 4 minutes. When you remove cookie sheet, use a spatula to remove the cookie, bend the cookie in half to create a semicircle, place the fortune inside the semicircle, pinch the edge and then lay it on the edge of a bowl to create the fortune cookie shape. Continue to do this with the rest of the dough.
4. Completely cool the cookies on a wire rack. Should yield about 14 cookies.
My first batch with the margarine came out okay. They were too pliable and not as crispy as fortune cookies are supposed to be. So, I decided to suck it up and buy the expensive butter (the smallest package of course) and made another batch using the butter.
It came out better, but not exactly like a fortune cookie from a chinese restaurant. But they do taste very similar.
The funnest part was coming up with the fortunes to place in the cookies. I could make up whatever I wanted! Greg got the fortune with the lucky numbers on it and he asked how I had come up with these numbers. I said randomly, but after taking a second glance at the numbers found out that I had used mostly birthdates from family members...freaky...
The best part about these cookies was that since the batch was so small, it really didn't take all that long to finish the cookies, which in my book is super. Some times the cookie-making is never-ending because there is so much dough to bake. This ended up being perfect, and most of the cookies are already gone!
Enjoy! update you, this is the second time I've had to type this blog due to internet being flaky, I might really give away our puppy soon if she keeps this up.