Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Great Sandal Scandal

If you live anywhere where temperatures creep above 80 degrees, you might own a pair of sandals.  Since we live in Texas, where most of the year it's boiling outside, I have a little collection of flip flops...well I USED to anyways.
I am quite attached to my sandals, each pair has a story behind them: where they are from and where they have gone.  Take my Reef sandals for example:  Greg got me my first pair of Reef sandals as a present for getting my Aggie Ring.  I even wore them to pick up my ring, very excited to start breaking them in.  Eight years later (I know, I'm getting old), my sandals have been to different states, on the beach during our honeymoon and even went international for our mission trip to Germany last year.  I'm even known to wear sandals during the winter time (with a sweater, of course) to Greg's large disapproval of this fashion statement.
Sadly, I am down three, yes THREE, pairs of sandals in the past week.  I don't know what has gotten in to our dog, but she is chewing them up left and right.  I hear the little "squeak, squeak" of teeth on leather/rubber soles and I go running through the house to find Olive (our dog) hanging out on our bed with a little graveyard of shoes surrounding her.  I saw her go through a phase of destroying the kid's shoes, and even Greg's shoes (Greg has lost a pair of Clarks and numerous pairs of sandals as well), but I thought she liked me better than that...I guess not.
I walk in to her on our bed, I'm guessing that's a great location for shoe chewing; and I find her surrounded by three pairs of my favorite sandals.  She actually ate the leather off one pair: non-salvageable, the other pair she chewed through a strap, and lastly my beloved Reefs.  She chewed a few holes in the fabric straps.  They are not completely ruined, but they just aren't fitting correctly.
I suppose there is a lesson to be learned:  keep my sandals not only off the floor, but way high up on a shelf in my closet.  I wish I would have learned this lesson three pairs of shoes ago.
 The culprit
The damage (1 of 3)
The bright side to all this sandal carnage is that it is the perfect reason to go get a new pair :)

1 comment:

  1. I walk in to her on our bed, I'm guessing that's a great location for shoe chewing; and I find her surrounded by three pairs of my Clarks Shoes Sale favorite sandals. She actually ate the leather off one pair: non-salvageable, the other pair she chewed through a strap, and lastly my beloved Reefs. She chewed a few holes in the fabric straps. Clarks Shoes They are not completely ruined, but they just aren't fitting correctly.
