Friday, November 4, 2011

The Rhyme Crime

After reading Dr. Seuss since the day Nolan came home, he is finally trying to put rhyming words together. The first time he said,"cat rhymes with hat!" I thought, "He's a genius," and the next rhyming words were something like "booger rhymes with foot"....mmm...not so much. So, we are a work in progress but atleast he's trying new words.

Most of the time, his combinations were really cute, sometimes funny, but he took a wrong turn today.

We were in the car driving home from visiting Greg at HEB and he was trying to rhyme words and he said,"Stuck, F*ck, does that rhyme?" AAAHHHH!!!! With the biggest effort ever, I tried not to flip out as he kept on repeating the curse word saying,"Yes, that does rhyme, but we NEVER say that word."

Nolan: "Why?"

Me: "You don't say it, it's a curse word, it makes us sad when you say it."

Nolan: "Why?"

Me: "Have you ever heard me or daddy say that word?" (me crossing my fingers that he would say no)

Nolan: "No, but why?"

Well...I really don't know exactly why. I curse word is just a word but used in the right tone and context it sounds so horrible. I gotta give credit to Nolan, that was the happiest curse word I have EVER heard come out of anyone's mouth. All I could do was laugh under my breath the rest of the way home from the word mix-up.

In the end, I'm hoping that he will keep on rhyming, but leave the dirty words out, or atleast only in earshot of me where I can catch them first.

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