Mallory started getting a fever on Friday and I took her to the Weekend Clinic on Saturday. She has double ear infection and a red throat and got put on antibiotics. I CAN do this kind of sick. I can be sympathetic and cuddle with them, give them as much juice and gatorade they want and let them watch cartoons to their heart's desire.
But then things changed when she gagged on a chip at lunch and she did the worst kind of sick in my book...throw up. EEWWW! Just typing it makes me feel ill. I CAN'T do this kind of sick. The smell and the look just stays with me. I washed everything, bleached everything, and still can't get that lingering smell out of my nose.
Then, Nolan started in! For some background i
nfo: he does not have a fever, does not feel ill, but does have pretty bad allergies with a bad cough. He coughs so hard he sometimes gags which makes him throw up as well. But this has never happened before!
I have counted myself as one of the lucky ones, when other people talk about their kids being sick everywhere, I couldn't share any stories. I have gotten 4 glorious years of no throwing-up child. Then he decides to do it 3 days before we leave for Germany.
The guilt is building!
Then, like on cue, my allergies start to kick in. My nose is stuffy and my throat is starting to swell up. But I should count myself as lucky.
I should stop my whining and count my blessings:
1. My kids are troopers and haven't complained at all from being sick
2. I have a few days to feel better or get worse and go to a dr. here before we get on the plane
3. This has spurred me to clean the house, so now it's clean for when we leave and get back
4. They will be in good hands while we are gone (2 Nurses for grandparents)
I'll just send the kids a memo the next time we are getting ready to go out of getting sick!
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