I folded all the laundry we had in the house. You'd think we had been gone for two weeks instead of two days. It has taken me since Sunday to sit down and fold it all. I was very proud of my tall piles, Greg's being the tallest by far. I would say atleast 3 feet. And then the unthinkable happens, like a stack of cards, his pile tips and falls knocking over mine and Nolan's pile over as well. That's what I get for waiting so long on laundry and seeing how high I can stack clothes.
I put up all the laundry and then put it up again after Mallory opened drawers and pulled out clean, folded clothes. That girl is clever.
I picked up and organized every puzzle piece of Nolan's. In an attempt to bathe himself in puzzle pieces, he opened up every single puzzle, poured out all the pieces and then rolled around in it as if they were gold coins and he was Scrooge McDuck in his money bin (Sorry for the Ducktales reference, it's Nolan's favorite show right now). This was actually a little more difficult than it sounds because two of his puzzles are seemingly identical. I almost threw in the towel and felt like trashing everything, but it got done.
I cleaned dishes, loaded the dishwasher, created more dirty dishes, unloaded the dishwasher, etc....that cycle could go on forever.
I read some pages in my book that I have had for way too long. I am accumulating a fine as I type at the local library.
I loved on Mallory and kissed her poor bruised-up forehead as she is learning how to walk and continuously hits her head on the ground.
I mowed the front lawn, ran out of gusto and left the backyard for another day.
I got huge lick on the face from Nolan who was pretending to be a dog. Sort of grossed me out, but nothing some sanitizer won't fix.
I went to Nolan's last soccer game, which was hilarious. He finally kicked the ball a few times, and ran around with his tongue out, claws up, pretending to be some fantastical soccer monster. I can just imagine him at recess in another year. The teachers will love giggling at him.
I made cookies, ate some raw dough, ate some cooked dough. Overall, that was a good chore.
I bathed kids, well actually only Mallory. Nolan's bath is Greg's domain. I know I've said this before, but there is nothing better than a clean good-smelling baby.
This question of "what did you do today?" eludes me every night when Greg comes home and asks me. I usually answer, "nothing" or "you know, around the house stuff." I think his head might explode if I tell him all of this in one sitting, so I type instead. Putting it down on paper makes it seem like more than what it actually feels like. I guess that goes with anything that you break down into minute detail. I hope you are better at answering this question than I am.
So, what did you do today??
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