Greg and I have spent the last few weeks going through things getting ready for a garage sale. I have made piles in Mallory's room, our storage closet and the garage. It is now time to actually sell it.
But the hard thing is I find myself weirdly attached to a lot of these things. I keep on looking at the infant clothes that Nolan and Mallory can no longer fit and remember exactly who gave them to us and where they wore it. I want to keep the cute clothes, but there is no way Nolan will fit a "Newborn" onesie again (it would be sort of funny if he tried). I look at the toys that we have had handed down to us or have given to Nolan a few holidays ago. They look so sad in the pile by the door. They are saying,"Please don't sell me!"
We haven't told Nolan that these things will no longer be in the house. I think he might be upset. He has already gotten attached to a police car that my sister, Jenn, gave me to sell. Every time he discovers a toy again, it's brand new! He plays with it for a good 30 minutes, and sadly it is forgotten again or put aside to make room for his train playing.
I'm even having a hard time letting go of the silliest little things. For example, a monkey that is supposed to hold a votive candle. It has been with me for almost 10 years and has NEVER held a votive candle. It has gone through 4 moves throughout college and married life and has never been displayed. Yet, I feel guilty getting rid of it, because Carrie got it for me and I think it's cute (even though I've never used it). It is now time to part with it, sadly, which hopefully someone else will purchase and love it.
Greg has been great at these tasks. In theory, I am supposed to be the one to clean up and get rid of things. But because of my "sentimental ailment" Greg has stepped up and wants to get rid of everything. This attitude might be in part because all the things that I have accepted from people have been happily been put in the garage for "later use". Greg didn't like this, because as of a week ago he no longer could even walk in the garage with so much clutter.
Oops...we have now turned in to our hoarding friends down the street. Hopefully, our purge of "stuff" will help us. There is only a finite amount of space in our house (I wish we had INFINITE) and so stuff must go. Kids take up a lot of space too, but I am very attached to Mallory and Nolan..haha. "Big Attic" now goes on my wishlist of things for a new house. No, we are not moving, but we can always fantasize of the perfect house.
I think the best thing about the garage sale tomorrow is that if these items don't sell, they will be donated to Twin City Missions. Atleast I know they will go SOMEWHERE instead of a landfill.
Sidenote: I always feel guilty throwing away things knowing they will go in a landfill. Putting trash in to the earth makes me a little depressed (hippy-ish, I know) but I have not thought of a better solution.
Back to garage if you are bored tomorrow, come and visit me and my things (and the kids too). We are combining with a few other families, so it should be some good stuff.
Goodbye to my beautiful things, I will miss you and have enjoyed the memories you have helped me create. I am not replacing you, just moving on to an emptier, happier house.
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