I have now entered the world of "blogging". Upon Greg's thoughts of this is what stay-at-home moms are supposed to do, I have decided that this venture might not be such a bad idea.
A little background: Greg and I have been married a little over 5 years as of Feb. 2011. We have two children: Nolan (3 1/2) and Mallory (almost 1). We lived in Bryan the beginning of our marriage, moved to Houston for better job opportunities and are now back in Bryan. Greg works at the BEST grocery store ever...HEB! Yes, I am a little prejudice b/c they do sign the paychecks. I love our old house with creaky floors and "old house smell" as my sister describes it.
So, as my title professes, I feel as though my voice is on constant repeat of the same phrases daily, hourly and usually every few minutes. Here are a few of my favorites: "Mallory, stop pulling the cords out of the wall." "Say please", "Do you need to go potty?" "I'm counting to three and we're going to timeout." Yes, some of these are rather negative and tend to get on my nerves after trying to teach manners/bathroom skills/behaviors. I could probably record my voice and just play them over and over to any situation and they would probably work. I could probably even use different tones. The "angry" tone, the "you're going to get in trouble tone" or the "the question mark" tone.
I do have to admit though that saying these things repeatedly to Nolan for over 3 years now have actually gotten positive effects. Now, when I give him something pleasing, he says, "thank you" without being prompted. Granted, it's not everytime, but it's better than nothing.
So, I propose for any one else who might have this same problem to pick a batch of new phrases to use throughout the day to share the love! I think today I might use "you are awesome" or "that's amazing!" Maybe I love you in a different language "Te amo" sounds much more lovey-dovey.
Hopefully this will get me out of the Negative Nancy mind set and start looking at the positive situations instead of the negative
Good luck and "YOU'RE AMAZING!!"
I just to want say for the records that Patsy is one of the greatest moms, friend, teacher and baker ever! I love your blog :)