Well, I had to be a Miss Fancy Pants this week and try a dainty/difficult cookie. After almost losing a few fingertips, I might not try to be fancy for the next couple of weeks.
This week I was inspired by a "Starry Night" theme that I will be doing for a church luncheon. We had to do some kind of favor for each table, so I decided to do a cookie...duh. I chose a star cookie, with the inside cut out and have the stained glass look.
If you venture to do this, here are some tips to make the candy-cutting experience easier:
I felt very prepared, I even read the recipe before-hand, which I usually don't do. The instructions said to take a large chef knife and chop up jolly ranchers and place those bits inside the hole. No problem, but the whole knife thing made me nervous. My solution was to put some jolly ranchers in a plastic bag and then beat them with a rolling pin. Not the best idea with two kids sleeping, but oh well. My first hit didn't do anything but make a huge hole in the plastic bag. Scratch that idea. I guess I'll go with the big knife. But big knife plus tiny candys equals some nicks and cuts. Thankfully, I only got my fingernails a few times, but there were some scary moments when the knife slipped and I could just imagine explaining this mishap at the ER..." I was trying to make stained glass cookies and I cut off a part of my finger."...that would not have been good.
1. lightly coat the candy with flour, makes it less sticky and easier to handle
2. I tried a lot of different cutting methods: sawing, chopping, chipping....chipping seemed to work best. I thought the candy had to be almost powder-like to melt, but found out that the candy can be in pretty big chunks and will might just fine.
3. Cut a lot of the candy, had a few cookies where there wasn't even candy to fill the holes
Here's the recipe:
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 large egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
7 ounces (30) hard candy Jolly Ranchers
1. Sift together dry ingredients. Put butter and sugar in a bowl and mix on medium speed until pale and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Add egg, mix until smooth. Add flour mixture, and mix until combined. Stir in vanilla. Wrap dough in plastic and refrigerate for about 45 minutes.
2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Roll out dough on a well-floured surface to a little more that 1/8 inch thick. Cut out star shapes. Using a metal spatula, transfer shapes to baking sheets lined with parchment paper. Use a different shape (a smaller star) or use a pairing knife to a cut-out in center of each cookie for candy filling.
3. Sprinkle chopped up candy in a single layer in hole of each cookie, avoiding edges of shape.
4. Bake cookies until candy has melted completely, about 11 to 12 minutes. Do not let the cookies brown, or the candy centers may become bubbly. Let cool completely on sheets on wire racks.
These cookies were a little bit more work, especially cutting up the hard candy, but I have to admit, it gives the cookie a very pretty effect. I hope they taste as good as they look!